Monday, March 20, 2023

Genevieve Whittemore of Lynchburg

Hello, if you’ve arrived at this page because you Googled Genevieve Whittemore of Lynchburg, this is a warning for you. She ‘treated’ my oldest daughter for several years. My daughter got worse, not better, and even ended up hospitalized for depression and suicidal thoughts.

When I knew Genevieve, she was practicing in her kitchen at her home. She only accepted cash. Her ‘treatments’ were not recognized by any national medical association. I was assured that she was ‘certified’. But certified in what, exactly? Neurofeedback isn’t a real medical science, not the way she does it. In fact, I sometimes wondered if what she was doing qualified as practicing medicine without a license. At the time, the only license she had was an expired social worker’s license.

Later, at my divorce, my lawyer subpoenaed Genevieve Whittemore to testify about the treatments she gives. Genevieve got her own lawyer and fought to have the subpoena quashed. So much for transparency and openness! I guess she has something to hide.

Be careful.

Contact me if you have any questions.

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