Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Summer Camp 2024

Back in April, I wrote this page about summer camp. Yeah, I know, it was already pretty late in the season at that point. Even if you wanted to go to Green Cove, it might have been too late.

Next summer, you’ll be 15 and maybe you won’t care about summer camps anymore. But, I just looked: Green Cove has programs for girls up to age 17. The summer of 2024 probably seems like a million miles away. But it’s never too early to plan something big.

Anyway, give it some thought. Please go re-read the page I made in April.

I’m trying to do what I can to contribute to your success. I wish I could do so much more. When your mother and I first started our family, I envisioned that my kids would speak at least one language other than English. I don’t mean 45-minute classes in school. I mean, REALLY speak it, fluently. I envisioned that my kids would be able to skip at least one grade in math. When I had to leave for Iraq, I was already in the process of getting Morey’s Second Grade math book from her future teachers. I was going teach her Second Grade math while she was still in First Grade, and try to eventually get her to skip a grade, at least in math.

That was the plan, anyway. I enjoy tutoring math. Anyway, sorry, I’m getting off-track. I’m just thinking about all the dreams I had once, now abandoned. I wanted very badly to have a positive influence on your life. I still want it. But there’s very little I can do from here.

Next summer, if you can’t get a passport to visit me, you might as well do something extraordinary. I have some faith that Green Cove is a great camp if you want to try it. You need to learn to be on your own. Your mother wants you to be safe. I want you to be strong. Anyone can be safe if they never leave home and never get out of bed. I want you to contend with the world and learn how to handle it.

Talk to me, Goose.
