Wednesday, August 9, 2023

First Day of School

One week. That’s all you have left of summer. I haven’t talked to you in a long time. But I’m assuming that you’ll be a freshman at EC Glass next week. You know, I’ve never been there. I’ve never been inside that building. I drove by it many times; I know where it is. But I can’t picture the interior. Have you been inside yet?

Are you nervous? Excited? Landmarks such as these are what I really miss. I wish I was there for your first day of high school.

What will you do with the last bit of summer?

I’ll be thinking of you, as always.

Love you, Dad
p.s. here is a video I found today that made me laugh.

Saturday, August 5, 2023


Have you seen the Barbie movie? I haven’t. But I read social media all the time. I understand it’s creating something of a controversy about Feminism and gender roles and so on. I really have no data, so I have no opinion at all. I just read other people’s comments.

Did you ever have any Barbie dolls growing up? I can’t remember. I don’t think your mother and I ever bought any for Morey. Well, maybe one or two. But I don’t remember Barbies being a big thing for her. And for you, of course, I was gone most of the time. I don’t really know what toys you had. You might have had a Barbie. I bought you a Hunger Games limited edition Barbie one year, but your mother said it was scary and gave it back to me. I waited for about a year and sold it on eBay. Because it was a limited edition, and still new-in-the-box, I made some money on it. But I would have preferred that you have it.

Anyway, I just wondered if you’d seen the movie. I know movies are expensive these days. I would pay for you to go. Actually, if I had my way, I’d be a part of your life and pay for lots of things. But, I don’t get my way very often. I guess that’s how it is.

But, in any case, I love you and miss you.

The truth is that I can't be your dad because of a bunch of strangers and retarded assholes who think they know what's best for you more than I do. How's that possible? How is some stranger going to know better than me? Well, in family court, everyone is motivated by money. I hope you always remember that. I am separated from you because someone, somewhere makes money from that. Believe me, if it were profitable for us to be together, the scumbags would leave skidmarks getting to us. Someday this will all make sense. I know it doesn't make sense now. Hell, I'd love to take you to see Barbie myself, who cares if it's a Feminist movie. I just want to spend time with you.