Friday, September 29, 2023

Dani Rule

The principal of your school is some limptard named Dani Rule. If you ever meet him, tell him I said hello. He sounds like a real swell guy. Back when I was trying to get Morey’s school records, those cowards over at Dunbar gave me a hard time. I guess the school administrators think your mom is the ‘real’ parent and I’m just some annoying asshole with no rights. Can’t a man simply be interested in how his kids are doing in school? I had to get a lawyer to finally get them to comply with me. And it looks like Dani Rule wants a lawsuit, too. Fine. They can’t stop my love for my children.

p.s. Dani Rule, if you’re reading this: you’re a coward. I can be a pain in your ass for four more years. Just do the right thing. Do your damn job.

Lynchburg City School Board has appointed Dr. Daniel “Dani” Jon Rule as the next Principal of E.C. Glass High School.