Thursday, February 15, 2024

Not I


Your mother just sent me this e-mail. I guess she speaks for you now if you refuse to speak for yourself.

I’m curious about the line, “he just spends all of his time telling me who he is, like I’ll be impressed”.

Sometimes, I get to see and do a lot of cool things. And yes, I want to share them with you. But there’s more. You were meant to go along for the ride. You were meant to be a part of my life, a big part. And if I only talk about myself, it’s because I don’t know you at all. Well, I know you’re inexplicably absent from school often, just like Morey was. Your mom loves to brag that she’s a great mom, but always leaves that part out.

I am very eager to hear about your life. Your mother has been withholding visitation since 2015. Don’t you think I’ve TRIED to see you? I’d be happy to show you the court papers and my lawyer bills (and letters from your mom’s lawyer urging the court to deny my requests).

“I know who he showed me he was”. According to your mother, you wrote this. BTW, awkward sentence structure, which makes me even more suspicious. Surely you’re not as poor of a writer as she is.

Anyway, I’m puzzled by this as well. We haven’t spoke since you were 8 or 9 years old. And you’re making a reference to what I’ve showed you? What have I showed you? What are you talking about? THIS IS WHAT I’ve been showing you.

I’m trying to show you love. But the internet is not the right venue. And it’s a one-way conversation. But it’s all I have.

“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”

Yours most Sincerely,

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