Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Father and Daughter reunion

Sophia, It’s a short video, just four minutes.


Friday, May 24, 2024

Last Day of School

I’m thinking about you today. I hope the day goes well for you. I wish I was there to celebrate it with you.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Last Week of School


I’m thinking of you always, but especially during your last week of school. I hope it goes well. When I was about your age, my father would take me out to a late lunch on the last day of school. It was a brief tradition. I’m sorry I won’t be taking you out for lunch next Friday.

I wish I knew what you were doing this summer.

More than a year ago, I wrote this post about a summer camp. But I suppose maybe you’re now too old to consider going to summer camp.

I’m working in Africa, but I can be in Athens or Rome at a moment’s notice. Get a passport. I’ll meet you in Rome. I recently posted some photos from Rome on IG. I hiked through the city about ten years ago. Seriously, if you have some free time this summer, get a passport and I’ll fly you to Rome for a long weekend. We’ll have fun. And if your mom says I’ll kidnap you, tell her, “Yes, and he’ll make me happy.”

And then I’ll send you back home.

God, I really hope you’re not sitting at home this summer, bored out of your mind, taking anti-depressants. We could connect and do crazy shit and eat sushi and see cool stuff. What a waste.


Friday, May 3, 2024


You’re taking French, right? How do you pronounce Ouagadougou? I’m not sure of the proper way to say it. My version sounds like “wag-a-DOO-goo”. Or how about Djibouti? I just say, “ja-BOOTY”.

Shitholes with interesting French names.

Did you know that more people speak French in Africa than in Europe? But from what I understand, African French sounds rough and dirty to the French. I wouldn’t doubt it.

I’m in Africa now, still getting used to it.
