Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Ten Years Without You

I last saw you on January 23, 2015. We had dinner that night with your sister in Lynchburg. It snowed that day. At the time, I had no idea things would turn out this bad. I think you enjoyed the dinner. But you were only a child. And I had a lot on my mind that night.

I wish I had taken a photo of us together.

Ten years. It’s hard to believe.

This isn’t really an inspired post. I’m just letting you know I’m thinking of you, especially today. I hope you don’t foolishly forget that I think of you all the time.

I’ll be in Paris this summer. I’d love to see you there for a few days. Just ask, and I will make all the arrangements. We can sit and have coffee and I will listen to anything you have to say.


Friday, January 3, 2025

New Year’s

A few days ago, I got to see fireworks on a warm beach when the new year began. I hope you got to see some fireworks. You’re probably in Lynchburg where it’s cold. But hopefully you’re in some place warm. Maybe next year, you and I can sit together on the beach and watch the fireworks. Nothing would make me happier.

Thinking of you, always,